Our Show of Support for Black Lives Matter

My life’s work is to help people who are hurting. This is true no matter their age, social status, race, or gender. No matter who my clients are, I work with them to help them explore and understand the pain and events that have brought them to my office. Therapy is often a multi-layered process that involves understanding what—and who—has hurt us emotionally. It also requires learning new ways to change our thoughts. As we change our thoughts, our behaviors fall in line. Long-standing emotional trauma can find a resolution.

Black Lives Matter

Along the same lines, I find myself standing in strong support of Black Lives Matter. As a therapist, I help people uncover the emotional damage that they have experienced. We walk together to understand their past and to find a way to healing for their future. In this same way, the mission and message of Black Lives Matter cry out for the healing of past injuries.

I’m Just One Person, But . . .

But how can one individual therapist make a difference in a world that is experiencing so much pain?

Like me, you may also feel as though you’re only one person. You may think that your sphere of influence is too small to be affected by your support for Black Lives Matter. But don’t be discouraged.

Is there anything I can do or say to help make a change? And, is there anything you can do or say to help make a change? The answer is a resounding “yes.” Your efforts, attention, and persistence matter too.

Make a Change

Just as in therapy, addressing systemic racial injustice can begin with small steps. You and I can both use our voices to speak up. We can educate ourselves on our nation’s grievous racist history. Along the way, we can begin to understand how this history continues to affect Black lives today. If we are white, we can proactively learn how to be better allies for change.

As we take these steps, our eyes will also be opened to areas in our own lives that may need change. We’ll be able to see what needs to change in our city, county, state, and nation.

Encourage Black Mental Health

Again, as a therapist, my passion is to help all of my clients reach deeper understanding and healing of their emotional struggles.

Unfortunately, the medical field hasn’t always been so supportive of minorities. Grievous “experiments” have been enacted on Black communities. These include the forty-year-long Tuskegee Experiment. Likewise, people of color often face discrimination and misunderstanding from medical providers. They may not have health insurance or live in an area where adequate health care is not available. Extraneous factors can contribute to their overall health and wellness. We’ve seen this happening in the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately affected Black individuals.

These inequities carry over to the mental health field. The Black community experiences nearly the same rate of mental health conditions as the white community. But its individuals only reach out for help half as often. This is heartbreaking on so many levels. Discrimination and lack of understanding in the therapeutic community contribute to this problem. African-Americans may struggle to find Black therapists and hesitate to see a white therapist for a number of reasons.


Fortunately, the importance of Black mental health is gaining more attention. Many websites, podcasts, blogs, magazines, and support organization are now available where you can learn more and seek support. These include women, men, youth, and LGBT communities.


With time and effort, healing is possible. Not just for individuals, but for communities and ultimately, our nation. But it will take all of us. What steps will you take? Working with a therapist can help you take meaningful, cooperative steps forward. I’d love to talk with you soon. Please contact my office to learn more.

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